Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why I am grumpy

I have figured out what is making me so unhappy = having to deal with everyday medical/surgical patients. I know this sounds very.....contrite? egotistical? too big for my britches? Maybe all or not. I know I get severely depressed by the situation. To the point where I hate my job, I hate going to work and I don't even like being here. Period. It is extremely depressing to do nothing but wipe people's bottoms and pass meds. Sounds like a rather simple day doesn't it? Yuk. Egads, I can't even stand myself when I get in this blue-funk. Then I start to wonder about my qualifications as an ICU nurse and are people really giving me patient (has nothing to do with the fact that we only have 2 burn patients in the unit) assignments because they lack faith in my ability...can I beat myself up in any other direction??? Then I start the spiral about my weight and being single and if only, if only and so forth and ....... what an icky day off. And its only 0830. Nope, coffee didn't help. I don't want chocolate (that might be at the root of the problem ;) I need to do something..........

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