Friday, September 7, 2007

A very smart blog from Kate

Hey Ladies,

Well Im going off on a tangent here, because this is something I feel very strongly about!
Alright so first off lets get the reason behind this little chat: I was sitting in study hall and the two girls on both sides of me agreed the shorter the skirt the better. And I got to thinking about that. Like why do we show ourselves off like that? Well duh to attract guys! Right? Then I got a bit ticked. Why do guys get called 'Hott' when all they do is wear jeans and a t-shirt but a chick to be considered Hott has to put on loads of make up, and dress showing great amounts of flesh??THAT AINT RIGHT!
Then I thought what would happen if our 'dress codes' were switched!! And what if a guy's hottness was determined on the amount of makeup and flesh showing? Think about Brad Pitt in a mini skirt and a v necked tank with tons of eye shadow on! It just wouldn't look right! So why does it look right on a girl? Why cant girls be judged on the masculinity and smarts that we have?
Listen to the song "I'll make a Man Out Of You!" Sing it to yourself the next time you look at a skirt.
Now im not saying we shouldn't wear skirts and make up! But lets go Modest and say if a 'guy doesn't look right wearing that then we shouldnt either!' Or rather, "If you were going on a date with Jesus would you wear it?"

Just another rant,
Katie M

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