Friday, June 22, 2007

Alright I will admit it - I can't wait for our trip to Scotland! I spend hours drooling on the keyboard while looking at pictures or granite mountains and grassy glens; the Spey River and the North Sea. Yep - hooked - line and sinker! Now for the kicker - 36 hours in Paris! Hoho! What am I thinking!! Another adventure sidebar! So to those of you have been to Paris - let us know what your favorite site or event was. We plan on packing in as much as possible. Oh Kate, btw, I was able to get us into Paris!


  1. Can I go too? Honestly I think our best chance at a cuppa Joe is gonna be if we deploy together. I made myself available for July, so if I go I hope you go too! You'd have to go or I could end up homeless like I almost did in N.O. but for you letting me stay with you! You are the best!

    Love from Your friend Trish

  2. Ah, memories of Paris. Lets see, the last time I was in Paris, I was trying to investigate Max Zorin. If you recall, Max had paln to destroy silicon valley so his chip company would be the only one left. That big Amazon woman May Day was always getting in the way and causing problems, especially while I was trying to enjoy the Eifel Tower. I hope yuo have a better, more relaxing trip than I.

