Funny I start this one thought and it comes out completely different than what I thought it would
The older I get, the faster time goes by. Interesting cliche. 7 months of 2009 are already gone and what is different now from the beginning of the year? Even since the beginning of July. The economy is still sliding that slippery slope. Our friends and neighbors are in greater need and the government is increasing taxes to destroy what savings those of us that still have jobs have. Last night we gave away another 27,000# of food stuffs into our community. Where on one hand I know we, as a collective whole need to do more, as an individual I am appalled at the gaul of some people. Recipients of the Mud drop received roughly 10-15# of free food each and they were complaining because someone got a Butter finger they did not. Is that what our countries mentally has really boiled down to? One minute you're worried about getting food on the table and the next greedy enough to begrudge someone a mini candy bar? Setting government mentality aside for a moment - what happened to common sense and good judgement? Are we truly the ugly Americans that other countries view us as?
Government/politics/icky bed fellows..... Is anyone else out there concerned the current administration has got us so far in debt that we will never recover? Or worse yet, civil unrest and possibly civil war are just around the corner as those of us not brain washed with "reality TV" and "sex on the tube" put our collective feet down? I saw a sign on the back of a semi truck today: "America - love it or leave it" my next thought was "couldn't we just deport those that, under the definition of treason, should be hung for destroying our country? You know, the country that was founded based on a Nation under God. " Ok, off the soap box before I get to upset and start talking about the idiotic health care reform bill...... morons.
The brighter side of life - kinda of a baring of the soul. I thought God had put on my heart that it was time to find someone. Seems it was my brain confusing my heart. Not that I don't occasionally wish for someone special but hopefully after putting this on paper my heart and mind will be on the same page (all puns intended). I just don't think its in the works. According to the Book of Matthew, some are meant to be single. Then I offer up the valid points of - exactly when would I find time to commit to someone? Is there anyone out there willing to keep up with me? Seriously. DMAT, DMAT deployments, DMAT store operation, Mud In Your Eye Outreach, mission trips,costume director for the church Christmas progra
m, raising a wonderful daughter, keeping up with my mom, working, working at camp, fixing things around the house, landscaping/gardening, quilting/sewing and now sailing. Not bragging, sometimes I really need to look at everything I am doing and ask myself if I am not crazy? Or just living life. Dad would have been 87 this past Tuesday. He died the day after he turned 65 after battling cancer for 5 years. He had things set for retirement with Mom and then he was gone. Did he wait to live? Yes and no. Where as he was heavily involved with the community, he didn't take enough time to stop and enjoy the world. Or at least from my point of view. Now I see my 25 year old nephew into his 5th year of battling the same disease. I guess I get melancholy this time every year. Life is so short. There is so much to do - to walk in Jesus' foot steps, to see what a great world God created for us to explore, to get to know each other. Ever wonder what it is God put you here for?
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