Monday, January 26, 2009

A Warm Feeling

Aloha! As we wax up our surf boards and pack up our construction gear for the upcoming mission trip, I have been inclined to think about the last year. No, I'm not going to go into one of my long-winded diatribes but Iwill say it has been an amazing ride. I have been blessed with wonderful friends ~ old and new, a family in good health and the ability to give back to others who are in need. 2009 looks to be another great year!

Onto more important things: movies. OK who else thought that the "Dark Knight" paled in comparison to "Batman the Beginning"? Yes, I understand Dark Knight was a move back to DC Comics and as cool as his motorbike is/was I still prefer the Tumbler (excellent commuting vehicle).

I have not seen the new Bond film, sorry James, the last one left me rather cold.

Moving on I thought that "Australia" was a well done epic on the same level as "Out of Africa" for scenery. Being filmed on the old "Thorn Birds" location (right along with Bryon Brown playing the bad guy) I thought it a wonderful story.
Here's one that caught me by surprise..."Mamma Mia". Let me state that I have always loathed ABBA about a sacharin overload - ish. But how can you not find Pierce Brosnan's fierce emotion in his singing heart warming or "Does Your Mother Know that You're out" just a giggle fest?? And I want Meryl Streeps bib overalls!

Ok. Enough babble....How is your world?

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