Aloha! As we wax up our surf boards and pack up our construction gear for the upcoming mission trip, I have been inclined to think about the last year. No, I'm not going to go into one of my long-winded diatribes but Iwill say it has been an amazing ride. I have been blessed with wonderful friends ~ old and new, a family in good health and the ability to give back to others who are in need. 2009 looks to be another great year!Onto more important things: movies. OK who else thought that the "Dark Knight" paled in comparison to "Batman the Beginning"? Yes, I understand Dark Knight was a move back to DC Comics and as cool as his motorbike is/was I still prefer the Tumbler (excellent commuting vehicle). I have not seen the new Bond film, sorry James, the last one left me rather cold. Moving on I thought that "Australia" was a well done epic on the same level as "Out of Africa" for scenery. Being filmed on the old "Thorn Birds" location (right along with Bryon Brown playing the bad guy) I thought it a wonderful story. Here's one that caught me by surprise..."Mamma Mia". Let me state that I have always loathed ABBA about a sacharin overload - ish. But how can you not find Pierce Brosnan's fierce emotion in his singing heart warming or "Does Your Mother Know that You're out" just a giggle fest?? And I want Meryl Streeps bib overalls! Ok. Enough babble....How is your world?
Have you looked outside lately? At the snow? The trees? The birds? The wind? Did you know that even if it was just you, and only you on the entire earth, that God wouldn't cheat you out of one single color? blade of grass? feather on a bird? One simple noise, piece of sand, strand of hair? Do you remember that God, not cheating you out of anything in nature, doesn't just do the bare minimum? He goes all the way! The very best isn't enough for you. No, He went through Hell (literally) just so He could be near you! What an amazing Love! "The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love." Psalm 103:8 May God bless you! In Christ, Katie