Thursday, March 22, 2012

Home again...

So it's been a while since I have written anything here.  Funny how life just keeps going. The old verb-age about it going faster as we get older seems to be true.  
 The bad:
The end of 2010 was not a great one.  Our beloved Tim is now a saint after an amazing 7 year battle with brain cancer.  We rejoice that he is in heaven with God, the Father.  Though, it makes us all impatient to be with him.   

2011 was a year of buying the wrong thing.  Thank goodness that phase is over.  We also saw the deterioration of dear sweet John, my brother in law. Lewy Body dementia was the criminal.  It was a disease I had never seen diagnosed or treated as a healthcare professional.  I am awed at my sister's love and perseverance.  John is now in heaven with Tim and our dad, Walt.  Along with another half dozen friends that passed in 2011.  

But lest you think it all sad and no sun shine, let me lighten the mood: 
2010 we did get to Israel & Ireland to plant 2 more mission sites for the Isaiah Connection.  Israel was definitely an eye opening, learning experience.  From experiencing religious persecution (nothing too serious ;)  to standing where Jesus taught. I don't have the vocabulary to describe itAwesome isn't even close.     

An 1700's stone found while grave-yard hopping with cousin Wade

2011 was my year for travel.  :0)  Ireland, camp, and a marvelous 10 day car trip with the lovely Miss Katie.  We attended the family reunion in Delaware (yes, that is a state in this country) and drove down the coast to Virginia to visit more with the grand Dinsmore clan!  I was blessed and have been continued to be blessed with being able to visit them almost every 2 months.  God is great! 

Mom Mom... explains alot.  Genetics, a wonderful thing!
At Valley Forge Chapel ~ Which great Grandpa Ross helped build
My grandparents house buildt in the 1770's
So enter the Year of the Dragon! 2012!  Yes, I feel like I swallowed a dragon ~ scales and all.  I am beginning to feel like an old car.  Things keep falling off. Ok, let's make that malfunctioning.  I have talked myself into everything from a dissecting aorta (of course this was while I was walking around the room trying to get the pain to back down) to an exploding intestine! I love coming out of the hypochondriac box on occasion!  It's like looking for that one sock to finish matching up the rest of the socks in the basket ~ the answer to where it is (or in this case) what the heck it is, is being elusive. We have ruled out heart (whew, dodged that bullet) and have found a small polyp/stone in my gall bladder.  Why not take out the gall bladder you say? Mostly, I am partial to all my parts and would prefer they stay in situ or at least connected.   Two other things: 1. I asked the surgeon "are you a mechanic or a parts replacer?" (Thank you Walt for instilling that in my head.... funny how things like that stay with us always. "Listen to the travel problem" - that's Dora~ism or "Charles Martel defeated the Moors at the battle of Tourres in 732" - Mr. Vaugh) 2. My diagnostics look like a duck, but they don't quack like a duck.  Hence, the HIDA scan to see if it truly is the gall bladder misbehaving.  I have a bet with myself that it is truly esophagel spasms and the gall bladder stone is the non-part of the equation. Rather liking nursing board tests.  I hated those.  Get to the point people and stop trying to be coy. Which I did at work with an email to the director of the treasury and got my hand slapped because they owe me money. I love corporate America. .... But I have wondered off topic (imagine that).  So, currently we are in a holding pattern (Negative Ghost-rider, the pattern is full....guess we won't be buzzing the tower tonight) and will be there for "3-5 business days".  Thank goodness I don't have attacks everyday. And this is far from being critical.  Just a bloody pain. 

I will close for the night.  Just feels good to be writing again :)