YES, I know I still haven't posted pictures from the trip - I haven't picked them up yet. So to appease you, here is one of Kate at our church tail gate party this past Sunday...another artist emerges! (oh no........) Kate is the one in the hat, that would be Leala facing the camera.----------------
Listening to:
Joel McNeely - The Kissvia FoxyTunes
Hey Ladies,
Well Im going off on a tangent here, because this is something I feel very strongly about!
Alright so first off lets get the reason behind this little chat: I was sitting in study hall and the two girls on both sides of me agreed the shorter the skirt the better. And I got to thinking about that. Like why do we show ourselves off like that? Well duh to attract guys! Right? Then I got a bit ticked. Why do guys get called 'Hott' when all they do is wear jeans and a t-shirt but a chick to be considered Hott has to put on loads of make up, and dress showing great amounts of flesh??THAT AINT RIGHT!
Then I thought what would happen if our 'dress codes' were switched!! And what if a guy's hottness was determined on the amount of makeup and flesh showing? Think about Brad Pitt in a mini skirt and a v necked tank with tons of eye shadow on! It just wouldn't look right! So why does it look right on a girl? Why cant girls be judged on the masculinity and smarts that we have?
Listen to the song "I'll make a Man Out Of You!" Sing it to yourself the next time you look at a skirt.
Now im not saying we shouldn't wear skirts and make up! But lets go Modest and say if a 'guy doesn't look right wearing that then we shouldnt either!' Or rather, "If you were going on a date with Jesus would you wear it?"
Just another rant,
Katie M
This will be short as I am feeling a bit "yuky". (I like technical terms like that.) We are back from our most excellent adventure. We had camera trouble after the first day - so I am unsure of what we will be able to post. I have a few saved on my phone, but am finding that the Pixel-ness of them is rather irritating. C'est la vie.
On a whole other venue, I have found the "clinical" name for what I suffer with. It is called "destructive thinking". I personally thought it should be called "can I badger myself any further??" Self-doubt, persecution complex, spiraling into I haven't got a clue on anything...... Well then. Now that I know what I have been doing to myself for years is real and that others suffer from it also (so I am not just being dumb). I can work thru it better. My goal is to no longer wake up in the middle of the night and beat myself up over money, past relationships, future expenses, work, etc... I look forward to mornings when I can jump out of bed and not feel that apprehension that usually attacks me before my eyes are open. So why am I babbling on about this. In case someone else out there has the same issue. Read this blog for a tongue in cheek description. Peace. Seriously. ----------------
Listening to:
Downhere - Remember Mevia FoxyTunes