Monday, April 30, 2007

Happier Notes

My good friend 007 tells me I've been rather a grump in my last narratives. I'd have to agree but sometimes life really is well.....P & V. So for you 007 - my normal nonsense.

It's my first day off after the 36 hour weekend in the burn unit. The sun is out, the cat is bouncing from drinking my ice tea (dag nab it! get out of there!!) and trying to knock over the new plants waiting to go into the garden. Oh, good - she's settled down for a nap on top of the fresh laundry....I miss my dog. I REALLY miss my dog. The guardian of plants and laundry, she would have marshaled this cat into behavior generally regarded as acceptable. For rent: 1 cat - good at catching spiders and possibly missing her tail come the end of the day!

Peace of mind and heart to all on this glorious Monday :) M

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ok girls - listen up

Let's make this perfectly clear - I do not want your husbands, boyfriends or significant others. I can not believe that I actually have to say this out loud. And guys, I am not "after" you. Just because I am divorced and single. I really am too flippin' busy to have time to pursue anything but what is on my plate right now! Here's the scoop. I am not Jezebel. I do however, have many good men friends (at least I think they are....maybe its all in my mind) whom I like to talk with, associate with and do things with. This may look like a ploy but it isn't. I really don't know that many women who like to talk woodworking, mechanics, building and other non-domestic stuff. And you're making me nervous. I'm now worried about talking to my friends as a result of your rude remarks, nasty looks and inability to get over the fact that I do not want your men. Look, I was married - for 12 years I was married. It was enough. I don't want to go there again. Besides, I think God has something different in mind for me at this point. Then we could get into what the Bible says about divorce. So you see you can keep your men, I don't want them. They are not mine. They are my friends. If you are that insecure about your relationship, then perhaps you should be looking at the relationship itself and not on outside influences. Really, don't make me take you into the garage to help overhaul a carburetor to prove my point.